Thursday, July 1, 2010


Regional Tournaments, Provincial Tournaments = Sizzling Sixties amateur Boxing:  By B. Zelley
Stepping back and revisiting the past is sometimes a good thing to do. So where do we start in the story of amateur boxing in British Columbia for the Sities?

Each individual involved will have a different view and assorted memories, but to cover the full decades in the name of fairness, accuracy and completeness, then the answer to the question is academic because a good starting point would be the 1960 BC Golden Gloves which took place 50 year ago and any look back at that event in 2010 would be a "Golden Anniversary" of a "Golden Moment" of the BC Boxing story  and it would also connect with the Fighting Fifties but that is another story.


Looking at the old tournament from 50 years ago received a fresh look in April 2010 due to a number of circumstances that could not have been planned a year or two ago.  However, the fresh new look became a reality when it was announced by Boxing BC that the tournament for the 2010 BC Golden Gloves would be in Greater Victoria, and co-hosted by the Capital City Boxing Club.

By chance or circumstances, it just happened to be the the "Golden Anniversay" of  ex-Esquimalt  boxer ALAN CURTIS winning the 1960 "Golden Boy" award in Vancouver, other former 1960 Golden Gloves alumni along with Curtis would appear at the 2010 event.  During the intermission of the first night,  1960's Golden Gloves' Alan Curtis and Tommy Black would be introduced  with Canadian icon George Chuvalo and other past Golden Gloves' boxers inside the squared circle of the ring. 


  -  Adams - Adolph - Ahmed - Alexander - Allerdice  -
- Austin - Banki - Bisson - Black - Boyce - Bremner -
- Bretzner - Breismeister - Caird - Cardinal - Carr - 
- Charron - Clark - Coleridge - Coulson - Curtis -
- Daniels - Deagau - Desrosiers - Douglas - Eastman -
- Elmore - Falconer - Findlay - Fleck - Fuller - Getz -
- Ginetti - Gontes - Gordon - Grant - Gray - Handlin - 
- Henderson - Heinz - Huber - James - Johnson - 
- Kacer - Kolar - Lalitch - LaRue - Lindmoser -
Lindsay - McDonald - MacEachern - McMillan -
McGaw - McGowan - McLeay - Mazur - O'Reilly - 
- Page - Palmer - Powell - Pringle - Rabey Rorick - 
- Santosi - Sartori - Schelt - Scott - Sinclair - 
- Sinitsin - Taylor - Tsuchya - Tohill - Toka - Vegas -
- Vieberg - Williams - Wilson - Wylie - Zelley -
Sample USA boxers:  Craven - Knight - Lampkin

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