Monday, November 21, 2011

1975 Boxers In Western Canadian Games


It was the mid-Seventies and in August 1975, BC 
amateur boxing would field a winning team to 
compete in the Western Summer Games held 
in the city of Regina.

Team members expected to compete were:

Mickey Griffin, Ed and Joe McCaffrey, David Ius,
Jim Stevenson, Mike Wilson, Jamie Ollenberger,
Steve White, Buddy Hutchinson and Brian Jones.

At the completion of the tournament, BC boxers
won a number of Gold medals including:
 Nanaimo boxer Mickey Griffin, it was one of his best
showings in the featherweight division.

Also earning gold were  Ed McCaffrey, Joe McCaffrey,
David Ius, Jim Stevenson and Brian Jones.

Six months later in February 1976, the amateur
boxing journey of Nanaimo's Griffin would come to
and end with the announcement in the Feb. 26, '76
"Nanaimo Daily FreePress":
Griffin cited unfair judging by BC boxing
officials as the reason for his decision.

 A Nanaimo coach spoke about a
bout  between Griffin and Chris Ius as an
example of unfair judging by BC officials.
The local news stated:

1976 Some Golden Moments in 
Vancouver and Victoria 
despite the shadow cast over boxing
in Nanaimo boxing continued to improve
with the June 1976 staging of the 
two tournament affair between the Select
junior boxers of BC and a team of English

The Victoria tournament was hosted by 
the London Boxing Club on June 6 th,
The Vancouver tournament took place
June 4th. at the PNE Exhibition Gardens.
In the various programs there was a 
"Welcome" message by WALTER BOYCE,
prsident of the BCABA.  Also, there was a
message from JOE WEBB, boxing co-ordinator
and a message by BERT LOWES, the director
of regerees and judges for C. A. B. A.

Some of those assisting in the affair in Vancouver 
Jim and Sylvia  Gallagher, Pat O'Reilly, John Connolly,
Kurt Wold, G. Cote, J. McCaffrey, Peter Froloff,
Key Victoria help came from Howard Curling,
Mike Caird and Brian Zelley and various 
members and executive of the London Boxing Club.

Dale Walters, Billy Hardie, Barry and Wayne Blatter
from the Burnaby Boxing Club,
Steve Gallagher and Mike Cote - Cloverdale Boxing,
Derrick Hoyt, Peter Blair, Leonard Halm,
Jim Blair from the Cranbrook Boxing Club,
Mike Bonneau, Alan Price, David Hodgkinson 
from the "Duhamel Boxing Club, 
Edie McCaffrey and John Herman, Richmond,
Kurt Lang, and Hamid Ismail of Ladner Boxing,
Danny Neal , Alex Bernard and Thomas Bernard
of the Ringside Boxing Club.

1 comment:

  1. Why was Bill Taylor overlooked in the '60s? He was a contender.
